Salat or prayer is one of the five basic pillars of Islam. You can learn Salat step by step to perform correctly. Prayer in Islam is compulsory, and every Muslim is obliged to follow the rules defined for prayer in Islam.
Here is how you can perform
According to Al Quran Allah (ta’ala) has created us for His worship. He has also defined the best way to perform prayers through His Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). As Muslims, Salat is compulsory and obligatory on us five times a day from almost childhood till life ends.
The five prayers along with their respective times.
Name of Prayer | Time | Total Rak’ahs |
Fajar | Before Sunrise | 2 Sunnah, 2 Farz |
Zuhar | Midday | $ Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl |
Asr | The later part of the afternoon | 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz |
Maghrib | Immediately after sunset | 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl |
Isha | Between sunset and midnight | 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, 2 Nafl |
We are required to perform prayer or Salat in Rak’ahs as mentioned upper according to Salat time to get maximum reward. Once you learned to perform 2 Rak’ahs with Arabic, you can easily understand and perform all other’s prayers accordingly.
Salat Preparations
Allah (ta’ala) is our creator, and we perform prayers or Salat to worship Allah (ta’ala). He is the mighty power, and that’s why it constrains that we prepare ourselves for Salat in the best way. There are some important points that we are mandatory to take care of before performing Salat.
- Learn by heart all Salat in Arabic
- Our body (a neat and clean body, hygiene if required)
- Our Clothes (Make sure to cover the whole body with neat and clean, proper clothing)
- Prayer Time (compulsory and important to follow prayer timings, however, there are relaxation in case of any compulsion)
- Perform Alution (Wadu) properly before every Salat as it’s also compulsory.
- Place of Salat (Must be neat and clean and suitable for Salat is every anner)
- Qibla direction (Muslims always perform Salat by facing Qibla it’s mandatory)
- After completing all these requirements now you can start your prayer with Niyaah or intention to pray after standing.
Step #1 Niyaah or intention to pray
It’s very important as it defines your intention. You need to speak Niyyah in the following words depends upon Salat and Rak’ahs you are looking to perform.
I intend to say 2 Sunnah Rak’ahs of Salat ul Fajr for Allah, facing the Qibla.
Step #2 Takbir
After Niyyah in a standing position, perform Takbir. Males need to raise their hands with slightly opening figures till lobes of their ears while palms of both hands must facing Qibla direction. In such a position, say Takbir in Arabic.
Allāhu Akbar
You need to close hands right on your belly under navel while the right palm is on the left hand with a grip and 3 open fingers on the upper side of the left hand. (for men)
Step #3 Recite Surat Fatiah

After Takbir in a standing position, recite Ta’awudh
A’ūdhu billahi minash-shaythānir-rajīm
With the same close hands and eyes on the ground. Before starting sura Fatiah recite Basmalah
After that, now recite surat Fatiah. It is the first chapter of the Quran that comprises seven beautiful verses.
Step #4 Perform Ruku (Bowing)

After the complete recitation of surat Fatiah by saying Takbir you can perform Ruku. In this posture, you need to bow your head down in a standing position with your hands gripping your knees. Make sure your hands apart from the body with a straight back(males)and recite the following lines minimum three times.
Subhāna rabbiyal adhīm
Step #5 Qiyam
After performing Ruku, stand straight again to perform Sajou’d. Before Sajou’d in a standing position (Qiyam), recite the following lines of Salat.
Sami alla-huliman hamida, Rabbanā lakal hamd
Step #6 Prostration (Sujud)

Before Sujud, you need to perform “Takbir” again in the same manner performed before. You need to perform Sujud (prostration)in such a manner that your head bows down to earth but make sure that your knee touches the ground then hands along with head and then your nose. Make sure instead of the head your nose touches the ground parallel.
In sujud, you need to recite the following lines minimum three times.
Subhāna rabbiyal a’alā
Your booth feet must be in a proper position as well while sujud. After Sujud you have to sit on your one foot while other reclining positions under the buttocks by saying Takbir. Your hands must be on your thighs while fingers are facing Qibla.
After a pause in such a situation, perform the same Sujud with the same lines minimum three times again.
After Sujud you can stand again by saying takbir in the same standing position. You were standing after Takbir at the start of Salat.
This Complete one Rak’aht of Salat.
Step #7 Step by Step Salat After first Rak’ah
You can start recitation again directly from Surat Fatiah with hands folded on the belly.
You can perform the Ruku and Sujud in the same manner after recitation then you are required to sit after the second sujud in the same way you are sitting after the first sujud.
Step #8 Reciting tashhud in the sitting position
In a sitting position, you need to recite Tashahhud. If you are offering 4 Rak’ahs, then its necessary to stand again by saying Takbir in a first position(hand folded on belly) after Takbir.
As we are learning 2 Rak’ahs, then after Tashahhud we will go to the next step in the same position.
In Tashahhaud you are required to recite the following lines.
Tashahhud: At-tahiyyaatu Lillaahi was-salaawaatu wat-tayyibaat. As-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. As-salaamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibaad-illaah-his-saaliheen. Ash-hadu al-aa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu.
Step #9 Reciting Darood Ibrahimi
It is the most important part of Muslim prayers. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is the last and most important Prophet of Allah. In this portion, Muslims recite Darood on Hazrat Muhammad and his loved ones.
You are required to recite Darood-e-Ibrahimi in a sitting position after Tashahhud.
Step# 10 Dua After Darood
After complete Darood-e-Ibrahimi you are required to recite a special dua for forgiveness. This dua is as follows:
Step #11 Final Step of Salat known as Tasleem

After completing all the Salat, perform Tasleem.In this, while sitting you first move your head towards right shoulders by saying
Assalāmu ‘Alaikum wa rahmatullāh
In the same way, you need to perform tasleem by moving your head towards left shoulder and say
Assalāmu ‘Alaikum wa rahmatullāh
This is how you can easily perform Salat step by step. Rajab is one of the sacred months in Islam and has a special reward from Allah for good deeds in Rajab. When you perform your daily prayers regularly, you will be an expert; however, you need to learn and perform at least one time practically. May God guide you in the best way and strengthen you to become a pious follower of Islam.